Migration of Rajus-Truths and half truths
True-The Raju community are a martial race and are kshathriyas: and a certain clan among them is an off-shoot of a family from a dynasty.But so are a half dozen other communities;
The army today is not caste specific;Yet is more popular among certain communities than others-with this difference from the armies of erst-while rulers:When there was a war,every body fought-the casteless madigas were legendary in their valour. What differentiates the kshathriyas from the madigas was their right to rule,and establish dynasties.Here again,there have been dynasties established by so many communities-kammas,velamas yadavs and reddys-from among the Telugu speaking regions in Andhra.But none of them have distinguished themselves with an obsessive desire to identify themselves as the ruling class-not even the dynastic rulers whom the Rajus served!
Dynasties are in a constant flux,established and dissolved through intrigues in court,claims
to the throne by the next in line,or the commander of a weak king!That is how Vijayanagar
came to be ruled by four dynasties,Sangama,Saluva,Thuluva and Aravidu. Rajapalayam Rajus do not come from any of these dynasties.The Rajus from Rayalseema-the Ananthapur district that was part of the earlier Western Chalukyas must have served in the Vijayanagar army and after the war of Thalikotta moved south,looking for opportunities in the Madurai Nayak kingdom,that was already served by the military establishments of the 72 palayams. The Rajus must have served these palayams and enjoyed their patronage through land grants,as can be seen in their land holdings in these areas. Rajapalyam was never an independent military settlement,did not contribute to any wars with the Nawabs or the British! In fact, it did not exist then.It came into existence much later as a settlement of refugees who ventured into agriculture,through the patronage and munificence of the Polygers from Theni,Devaram to Thirunelveli and Kollam. The settlement came to be called as Palaya Palayam,when a fresh wave of migrants from the east of the Telugu kingdom,settled in Pudhu Palayam.
In wars,the loser negotiated peace with the victorious,in several ways-becoming a vassal,paying obeissance symbolically and in annual tax financially, was one.Another was establishing a relationship- trading away a daughter in marriage in exchange for peace!
Instances are plentiful in history-and this is the relationship between Rajus and Krishna Deva Raya! (The man had an opportunity to acquire a harem!) Some of these war marriages were
honoured,others were not.Krishna Deva Raya's marriage to Jagan mohini of the Pusapadi
Gajapathy dynasty was not honoured. A war that lasted 6 years and ended in loss of life,
honour and territory could not make a marriage of any sort. Vizianagar,spelt with a Z to differentiate it from Vijayanagar empire retained its animosity till the very end,and Pusapadi Chinna Raju,brother of a Maharaja,whom the Rajapalayam Rajus followed to their present location was from the remains of Vizianagar,devastated by continuous wars with the Nizam and the British,disputes over ascendancy to throne,taxes levied by the British and famine! A typical situation that triggers migration-of refugees!Pudhu Palayam was born,in the sixty years from when Sitarama Gajapathy Raju was exiled by the British in1793, to1845 ,when .Narayana Gajapathy Raju died heavily in debt in Varanasi.
The two settlements had their origin from different parts of the Telugu country,in different times and events in history.They remained two different entities,for over a century,and merged into Rajapalayam,perhaps by the end of the 19th century.They were agrarian and annexed lands from temples,mutts ,and locals through persuasion,coercion and manipulation and are today a thriving and industrious clan of businessmen and industrialists! Evidence for my statement??-Nil! That is why it is a blog and not a research paper!What prompted it?I came across several sites,with the claim that Rajus came here to administer peace, and maintain law and order in a conflict ridden region!Events make history and distortions become recorded history,projected by vested interests! It was never so easy as now with the advent of the Inter net!!A linguistic enquiry into the speech habits of the groups can prove what murky stories can only muddle further.
The Telugu speaking Kshatriyas (Rajus) have Rishi Gothras and also Raja Pravaras ( which indicate/describe their Royal lineage).
ReplyDeleteRishi Pravara indicates to which Rishi ( Sage) disciples they have been.
Raja Pravara indicates to which Royal Race or lineage they belong.
At Rajus' ceremonies the Brahmins and Bhatrajus/Bhattus (Bards/ Minstrels) recite these Rishi and Raja Pravaras of the Rajus.
Rajus have four Gothras ( Vashishta, Dhananjaya, Koundinya and Kashyapa).
Rajus claim that they are descendants of Four Dynasties that ruled the Telugu land.
These 4 Dynasties are :
a) PARICHEDIS ( Guhila , Vishnukundin Clan )
b) KOTA/ DHARANI KOTA ( Kubja Vishnuvardhan , Eastern Chalukya Clan )
c) KAKATI/KAKATIYA ( Karikala Chola, Kakati Prola Raju Clan).
d) VARNATA ( Aditya chola, Varnata Rajendra Chola Clan).
Information available on this topic in Telugu book " Andhra Samsthanamulu - Sahitya Poshana" published by Andhra University. This book was published form of Ph.D thesis submitted by Dr. Thoomati Donappa ( Former Vice Chancellor of Telugu University).
Another reference book on this subject is " Sri Andhra Kshatriya Vamsa Ratnakaram" by Budharaju Varahalaraju.
Also Telugu language book ' KSHATRIYANVAYAMANJUSHA' by Sri. Duvvuri Jagannadha Sharma.
ReplyDeleteBlog Courtesy/ Link : http://kanakaraju.hpage.com/history-of-kshatriyas_52565456.html
Vijayanagara Period
Out of the four clans that ruled the Vijayanagara empire, two clans Saluva Dynasty and Aravidu Dynasty claimed to be of the Kshatriya Varna. [65] Raja Achutya Deva Raya was extensively interviewed by Robert Sewell in order to help him in research for his book,[66] and is acknowledged by the Government of Karnataka as the direct descendant of this line. In his royal biography he takes on the title of Zamindar of Anegundi, Senior Representative of the Royal House of Vijayanagar, born 4 August 1936, adoptive son of Rani Lal Kumari, Guru (Religious Head) of the Hindu Kshatriya Community, enjoys the customary privileges and honors at Hampi Temple and at Anegondi Temple, during all religious functions as well as Muslim festivals.[67]His family states they are of the Kshatriya Raju caste and marry among Telugu speaking Kshatriya Rajus settled in this area.
Raju families such as the Chodarajus, Nandyalas, Madirajus, Tirumalarajus, Gobburis, Saluvas (Bommarajus) of Karvetinagar, the Rajas of Owk and Matla Chiefs were all at one time or other, relatives of the Aravidu dynasty. All of these families still live in and around the Hampi area.
• The founding brothers of the Aravidu dynasty were the son-in-laws of Krishna Deva Raya of the Tuluva Dynasty and were also related previously through marriage with the Saluva Dynasty. Gobburi Narasaraju was the nephew of Aliya Ramaraju and[68] Emperor Venkatapthi Raju was married to Gobburi Kondama,[69]the sister of the Raja of Srisailam, Gobburi Giriappa.[70] After the death of Venkatapathi Raju, from 1614-1616 there was a great war of succession. Amongst the claimants to the throne was Gobburi Jaga Deva Raju, the brother-in-law of the emperor and also a relative of the Raja of Karvetinagar, Saluva Makaraju.[71][72] The Matla Chiefs fought against the Gobburis.[73]
• The Matli-Matla chiefs were Ellamrajus who gained the territory after defeating the Tirupatirajus in battle in 1604 AD.[74]
• The Chodaraju's gotra was given as Kasyapa and the Nandyala's gotra was given as atreya and were described as belonging to Chandravanshi, both were related through marriage and both were appointed Mahamandaleswars during the start of the 16th century.[75][76][77][78]
• The Madiraju's gotra was given as Kasyapa and Suryavanshi and related to the Thirumalarajus, both appointed Mahamandeleswars of Guntur area and happened to be the grandchildren of Aravidu Rama Raya.[79][80][81]
• Madhava Varma Bejawada was mentioned in 1509 AD. as of the Vasishtha gotra and Suryavansi.[82]
• Krishna Deva Raya defeated among others Rachi Raju Pusapati, Srinatha Raju and Lakshmipati Raju on his way to defeating Pratapa Rudra Gajapati Raju of the Gajapathi Dynasty. He immediately reinstated these rulers as his vassals and married the daughter of Pratapa Rudra as a truce offering. All this occurred between 1514-1517 AD.[83][84]
• Ganapathirajus were described as of the Suryavanshi and Kasyapa gotra and were Mahamandaleswars in 1555 AD.[85]
• Karvetinagar
The current Bommaraju family of Karvetinagar are of Kshatriya Raju caste and trace their origins back to an ancestor who migrated from the Pithapuram area of the Godavari Deltaabout the 8th or 9th century. One ancestor obtained the favor of the Eastern Chalukya King, Vimala Aditya and Saluva Narasa was appointed the Chief of the region around Tirupati, where he founded a town called Narasapuram. The founder of the family Narasa was granted permission by his patron, the Chalukyas, to use the royal seal and boar-signet of the Chalukyas, a proud distinction still kept up. The family became feudatories of Vijayanagar, and had marriage alliances with the Saluva and loyalties to the Aravidu dynasties over the next two hundred years. Around the 16th century the family changed their name to the current Bommaraju, retaining Saluva as a title.[86]
ReplyDeleteRAJU ( Telugu Kshatriya ) ZAMINDARIS / ESTSATES :
• Charmahal / Mogalthur : Kalidindi ( Koundinya Gothra)
• Golugonda : Bhupathiraju clan ( Dhananjaya Gothra)
• Kota Uratla-Thangedu ( East Godavari) : Saagi / Sagi ( Vashishta Gothra)
• Ongole : Mandapati ( Kashyapa Gothra)
• Padmanabham : Saagi/ Sagi clan (Vashishta Gothra)
• Peddapuram : Vatsavayi / Vatsavaya ( Vashishta Gothra)
• Rajamundry : Pusapati /Poospati (Vashishta Gothra)
• Ramachandrapuram ( Kota Ramachandra Puram) : Kakarlapudi ( Vashishta Gothra)
• Tanuku ( West Godavari) : Uppalapati ( Kasyapa gothra ),
but later this zamindari was trasferred to Mullapudi ( Kamma caste) family.
• TUNI , East Godavari : Dantuluri ( Dhananjaya Gothra)
• Vizianagaram : Pusapati / Poosapti ( Vashishta Gothra)
• Thettu ( Nellore district) : Vezendla/ Vejella ( Vashishta Gothra)
• Thoyyeru ,Koppuram : Nallaparaju ( Dhananjaya gothra)
And many others like Moida ( Penumatsa, Dhananjaya Gothra),Karvetinagar ( Chittoor District near Tirupati), Owk ( Cuddapah Dist.)………
REFERRENCES ON RAJUS ( The Telugu speaking Kshatriyas)
ReplyDelete" Those who claim themselves to be Kshatriyas are in fact known by local names, in the Punjab - the Khatris; in Bihar,U.P.,Rajastan and Madhya Pradesh - The Rajputs or the Thakurs; and in Andhra Pradesh the Rajus"
- Page Nos. 239,240 A social history of India by S.N.sadasivan. Published by APH Publishing.
." The Rāzus, Mr. Stuart writes further, ...... .. As a class they are the handsomest and best developed men in the country, and differ so much in feature and build from other Hindus that they may usually be distinguished at a glance"
- source : 'Castes and Tribes of Southern India' by Edgar Thuston
Sri V. Ramachandra Rao's article "A Brief note on the RAJU community of Andhra Pradesh" is available on the net.
which provides good info. on the Raju community.
மேடம் நானும் தெலுங்கு தாய்மொழி பேசும் தமிழ்நாடடில் வாழும் நபர்
ReplyDeleteஎனக்கு ராஜபாளையம் நாயை எந்த தெலுங்கு ஜாதி வளர்க்கிறார்கள்? உங்களுக்கு தெரிந்தால் ஒரு blogspot article போடுங்க (கோம்பை நாயை மறவர் வளர்ப்பது தெரியும்)
Earlier expedition during 14th century by Bukkaraya were mainly consisted of Reddiyars.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the origin of Reddiyar in Tamil Nadu?
1.We do not know much of the origin of Reddy s of Andhra and Telangana. As you are aware Reddy’s are predominant community in both states.
2.Reddiyars of Tamil Nadu, have warrior lineage.
3.Fall of the Kakatiyas in 1325 due to invasions from North, made them to form their own country in coastal andhra which was later annexed to Vijaya Nagara Kingdom.
4.When Madurai was liberated from Sultanates by Kumara Kampanna and Bukkaraya of Vijayanagara Sangama dynasty, the kingdom still faced trouble from Travancore.
5.The deputed Madurai Forces, comprised predominately Panta Reddiyars. They defeated Travancore forces in Valliyoor. This is the origin of Tamirabharani Reddiyars and Kerala Reddiyars.
6.These Reddiyars are called Panta Reddiyars and Kondaveedu Reddiyars. They moved from Andhra to Tamil Nadu during Vijaya Nagara empire - to the places Pondicherry, Cuddalore, Villupuram, Thiruvannamalai, Chennai, Kanchi, Vellore, Trichy.
7.They speak unadulterated Talli Telungu free of sanskrit. Later it was influenced by Tamil and Malayalam words depending on the region. For example, Mariammal Temple in Tamil (Goddess of Small Fox) is called Muthyalamma in Talli Telugu.
Without knowing their Royal lineage, Reddiyars of Tamil Nadu suffix Reddi (instead of Reddiyars), a farming community.
Reddiyars of TN are Royal Warriors.