Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Tracing our roots via inti peru (house name)

Migrants try to carry a something from their place of origin and retain it,for generations.Perhaps with the fond hope that it will help them or their progeny re trace their steps.It is like that rope people tie round their waists while trying to cross a river in spate,or when diving deep.Little do humans realise,life goes ahead and never backwards.This something is usually,the name of the village,they belong to.This is a trend seen with the Telugu migrants in Tamilnadu and the Iyers in Palakkadu. Perhaps also with the sourashtras in Madurai and the marattis in Tanjore.

I tried a search and found all the inti peru of the Raju community from Rajapalayam to be that of small villages around Cudappa,Guntur,Nellore and Vijayawada.

intiperu                                   village in Andhra
Pagalapadi                            Pegalapadu n w of Vijayawada
Chinthalapadi                         Chinthalapadu w of Vijayawada
Dhanthaloori                         Dendhuluru n of Eluru
Dhalta                                   Dalta w of Kammam
Gottumukkala                        Gottumukkala n w of Vijayawada
Jujoori                                   Jujoori n w of Vijayawada
Kasi                                       Kasipadu n e of Guntur
Penumathsa                             Penumathsa n of Guntur near M.Patnam
Segoori                                   Sekuru between Guntur and Thenali
Kondoori                                 Kondur n of Vijayawada
Muddanuri                                Muddanur n e of Cudappa
Mudundi                                    Mudugundi near Ongole
Chodaraji                                   Chodvaram s e of Vijaya wada
Manthapadi                              Manthapadi s e of Rajamundry
Namboori                             Namboor between Guntur & Vijayawada
Bezawada                             Vijayawada
Erraguntla                              Erraguntla n w of Cudappa
Indhukuri                               Indhukur e of Nellore
Manthena                              Manthena e of Vijayawada
Nandhyala                             Nandhyal n of Cudappa
Pericherla                               Pericherla n e of Guntur
Pusapati                                 Pusapadu between Ongole & Guntur
Sagi                                       Sagi n e of Bobbili forests
Valavarthi                               Valivarthi padu n of Gudiwada
Vathsavayi                             Vathsavayi n of Nandigama, Vijayawada
Vegesana                               Vegeswaram w of Rajamundry
Velagapady                          Velagapady s of Ongole

The villages that refer to the names of Kammas have already been identified by the kammavar association,though it isn't common knowledge of the community.What surprised me was that the two communities have several names that they share!But why should that surprise me?If it is supposed that more than one community lives in a village and they migrate,it is only logical,that all of them carried the name of the village,and identify themselves with the same inti-peru!!The result is we have 'Gottimukkalu', 'Alluri','Namboor'and Bezawada among both kammas and Rajus!Our intiperu Pamurthy is an inti peru among Telugu brahmins as well.If it is a corruption of Pamulaparthy,a village in Medak district,then we have very distinguished relatives among brahmins,P.V.Narasimha Rao heading the list!

The inti peru meant to retain the identity and purity of the clan throws more issues.People with the same inti peru are considered brothers and sisters and are not supposed to marry!This premise supposes only members of one family migrated.What about other familes of the same community,and other communities from the same village,who migrated carrying the same name?Are they to be considered brothers and sisters?
Names change,both ways,the inti peru and the name of the village get corrupted in course of time.
And there is more than one village with the same name.There are atleast four Bhimavarams. five Chinthalapadus
Food for thought!


    Bezawada (Modern day Viajayawada) was ruled by Parchchedi Dynasty of Vishnukundin lineage.
    Parichchedis ( Vishnukindin lineage) are Rajus ( Telugu Speaking Kshatriyas) of ‘Vashishta’ Gothra.
    Information available on this topic in Telugu book ” Andhra Samsthanamulu – Sahitya Poshana” published by Andhra University. This book was published form of Ph.D thesis submitted by Dr. Thoomati Donappa ( Former Vice Chancellor of Telugu University).
    Another reference book on this subject is ” Sri Andhra Kshatriya Vamsa Ratnakaram” by Budharaju Varahalaraju.
    Extract from a Telugu language book ‘ KSHATRIYANVAYAMANJUSHA’ by Sri. Duvvuri Jagannadha Sharma
    PARICHCHEDIS ( ‘ Vashishta’ is their Gothram/ Gothra ) :
    రాజప్రవర :- రఘులవ గుహిల మహారాజ ప్రవరాన్విత పరిచ్చేది శ్రీ దేవవర్మ మహారాజ వంశ:
    ” Vijayawada history reveals that Bezawada (Vijayawada) was ruled by King Madhava Varma (Ancestor of Pusapatis of Vizianagaram)”. source : wikipedia
    LINK : wiki/ Vijayawada
    “The Maha Parichchedis belonging to Vashishta gotra mentioned as one of the four important sects among Rachavaru – Andhra Kshatriyas even to this day”
    – page 187 ‘History of Andhra Country’ 1000AD-1500AD by Yashoda Devi. Book published by Gyan Publishing House.
    • No. 45. (A.R. No. 491 of 1906.) Pulivendla, Pulivendla Taluk, Cuddapah District. On a slab set up at the entrance of the Ranganathasvamin temple. Krishnaraya, AD 1509. This is dated Saka 1431, Sukla, Kartika su. 12, Monday, corresponding to AD 1509, 24 October, which was, however, Wednesday and not Monday. It records a gift of the village Kunddal Kundu to the god Sri Ranga Raju of Pulivindla by Narasayya Deva Maharaju, brother of Basava Raju, son of Tamma Raju, grandson of Valla Bharaya and great-grandson of Bejawada Madhava Varma of Vasishtha-gotra and Surya-vamsa. The gift village is said to be situated in Pulivindalasthala, a subdivision of Mulkinadu in Gandhi Kotasima of Udayagiri Rajya.
    – INCRIPTION No. 45 ( A.R.No.491 of 1906)
    Vizianagaram ‘Poosapati ( Pusapati)’ Rulers are direct descendants of the King Madhava Varma.
    Peddapuram ( East Godavari) ‘Vatsavayi’ Kings, Gudimetta ‘ Chagi ( Saagi) ‘ rulers,Kota Ramachandrapuram (Near Kakinada) ‘Kakarlapudi’ Zamindars,Thettu ( Nellore district) ‘Vejendla ( Vezella)’ Zamindars , Anakaplle (Vizag) Saagi/ Sagi rulers ( Payakarao was their title)belong to this clan only.
    FREEDOM FIGHTER ALLURI SEETHARAMA RAJU also belonged to this Clan/gothra.

  2. Amaravati was part of 'Dharanikota' kingdom. It was first ruled by Satavahanas and also was ruled by 'Kota Kings / Kota Chiefs' who were Rajus ( Telugu Kshatriyas ) of Dhanunjaya Gothra. According to Wikipedia the country on the southern bank of Krishna river was ruled by these Dhanunja gotra kings as a defecto independent power for over 150 years beginning of the 12th century to the last quarter of the 13th century .
    Kota Chiefs had marital relations with Kakatiya kings.
    Kota Hariseema Krishna was a Popular King among Kota Kings. Other kings were Bhima Raju, Keta Raju, Rudraraju, Dantuluri Gannabupaludu. Telugu poet Srinadhudu dedicated his literary work " Dhananjaya Vijayamu' to the King Dantuluri Gannabhupaludu. It was also seen that Telugu poet Mangalagiri Ananda Kavi dedicated his literary work " Vijayananda Vilasamu" to Datla Venkatrama Nrupudu ( Datla venkatrama Raju) of Kota lineage. Present Rajus / Dhananjaya Gotra Rajus of surnames Dantuluri ( Tuni Zamindars of this surname), Nallaparaju Zamindars, Datla, Dandu, Rudraraju, Bhupatiraju, Penmetsa andother surnames of Dhananjaya gotra Rajus are descendants of this dynasty.
    " The Kotas of Dhanamjaya Gothra appear as the second among
    the four important branches of Kshatriyas in Telugu land"
    - page 174 'History of Andhra Country' 1000AD-1500AD byYashoda Devi.Book published by Gyan Publishing House.
    Ganna Bhupala Dantuluri was ruling a tract about Dharanikota about 1400 A.D. was of Kota lineage. Famous Telugu poet Srinatha wrote 'Dhananjaya Vijayam' and dedicated it to Dantuluri Gannabhupala. Mahamuni Kavya Kanta Ganapathi Shastry mentioned in his book that King Dantuluri Gannabhupala gave away his daughter Surambika to Ana Vema Reddy who ruled Addanki. This was mentioned to be the first marriage between Kshatriya and reddy communities"
    "In the 14th century about A.D.1360 some Chalukyas-Kshatriyas - Rachavaru of lunar race were ruling Jallipalli and Neighbouring Tracts"
    - page Nos. 258 'History of Andhra Country' 1000AD-1500AD by Yashoda Devi. Book published by Gyan Publishing House.

    Rajus ( The Telugu speaking Kshatriyas) claim that they are descendants of Four Dynasties that ruled the Telugu land.
    These FOUR Dynasties are :
    a) PARICHEDIS ( Guhila , Vishnukundin Clan )
    b) KOTA/ DHARANI KOTA ( Kubja Vishnuvardhana , Eastern Chalukya Clan )
    c) KAKATI/KAKATIYA ( Karikala Chola, Kakati Prola Raju Clan).
    d) VARNATA ( Aditya chola, Varnata Rajendra Chola /Rajendra Choda Clan).
    Information available on this topic in Telugu book " Andhra Samsthanamulu - Sahitya Poshana" published by Andhra University. This book was published form of Ph.D thesis submitted by Dr. Thoomati Donappa ( Former Vice Chancellor of Telugu University).
    Another reference book on this subject is " Sri Andhra Kshatriya Vamsa Ratnakaram" by Budharaju Varahalaraju. Also ' KSHATRIYANVAYAMANJUSHA' by Sri. Duvvuri Jagannadha Sharma

  3. I accidently stumbled upon your blog while searching for "Intiperu" related research. Very interesting blog posts mam. I hope you found your calling back home in Rajaplayam and I wish you well mam.
