Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Relating to events in Travancore

The last Venad ruler Rama Raja Verma 1721-1729met Ambika of Rajput origin from the North in Sucheendhrum temple,married and made her his queen,promising her family that her sons will be the future kings of Venadu.The identity of this lady is still only speculated,though she had come with a retinue,who settled along with her and married into kshathriya families already living in Kerala.Such a royal alliance cannot have happened in a casual meeting in a temple.It must have been a political alliance details of  which the successor chose to wipe out from history.Venad kings and their cousins rulers of the many principalities of Southern Kerala,were themselves not kshathriya.They bought kshathriya hood every six years,through large donations to Brahmins weighed on thulabaram.It was the British who put an end to this drain from the treasury.
Ramaraja Verma faced continuous opposition from Ettuvittu Pillamar and depended on Madurai army for his protection.The ruler in Madurai was Vijaya Raghunatha Nayak,Rani Mangamma's grandson and the last ruler Meenakshi's husband,who had shifted his capital to Trichy.Ambika is supposed to have been from Tanjore!After Ramaraja verma's death,according to the traditional marumakkadayam,Marthanda Verma ascended the throne!Ambika's sons the thambimar sought help from Madurai Nayak in Trichy,who was too weak to protect him.After 300 yrs,Madurai became too weak to interfere with Venadu.Marthanda Verma used this opportunity for his military campaign,killed rivals to the throne,expanded his kingdom to found Travancore!Did Ambika 's followers flee to Rajapalayam? .Were they Telugu kshathriyas,who obtained the territory from Vijaya Raghunatha Nayak?
Marthanda Verma 1729-1758 is said to have retained the kshathriyas in his personal army,preferring them to the Nair forces.But for the first part of his reign,he was himself on the run hiding in jungles.Was this when Rajapalayam became an asylum?Ambika's followers are said to have married into already existing kshathriya families.The only kshathriya principality in Kerala was Meenachil, (of Sisodiya descent,from Madurai)which was also wiped out by Marthanda Verma.Did the fleeing Meenachil residents flee into Rajapalayam,through the passes in Peermedu and Kambam?I would say so, from a linguistic view point as the Intonation of Telugu spoken by Rajus has resemblance to Malayalam.
Rama Verma Dharma Raja1758-1798 consolidated his kingdom bought lands from Shencotta to Ambasamudhram.He is said to have been a dharmic ruler kind to the survivors of Meenachil.This is when the Palayams lost to the company.DharmaRaja forged agreements with East India Company,which his successor Balarama Verma1782-1810 further strengthened into a treaty.East India Company was not into this for fun and adventure.They wanted lands to yield revenue,and Rajus stepped into this vacuum patronised by the vermas and the company and ventured into agriculture,cultivating temple lands,land leased from the erstwhile Palayams and land grants on the ghats from the British and so on.Srivilliputtur Andal koil and perhaps many others were under the control of Travancore kings till 1850 s that is till the end of company rule.
This I believe is the when and how of Rajapalayam,that materialised from the fall of the Palayams.It has to be 200 yrs old,no more.

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